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Q&A Infidelity

Below you can see some questions that are typically asked in connection with infidelity and affairs. 

Can a relationship survive infidelity?

Although it can feel insurmountable and incurable when you are in the middle of the storm, it is possible to find help to move forward with a professional therapist. Our experience is that the vast majority of people who start therapy with us after infidelity move on, heal their wounds and find love again. One of the important factors in moving on is to get qualified help from a therapist who is trained to help couples heal wounds after infidelity. 

How long does it take to recover from infidelity?

Time heals all wounds... they say, but that rarely applies to adultery. Many couples come for treatment after infidelity, years after it has been discovered, and are still deeply affected. The trust is still not there and the arguments have continued over the years. 

With the right treatment, however, it can go faster than most people think. 

What does adultery do to someone? 

There has been research for years into infidelity and the consequences, both for the couple and for the parties involved. The worst of course is the betrayed party, who has often been traumatized, not only by the discovery of an affair, but also by the lies and deception that often accompany it. 

In English, the condition is called betrayal trauma and a large number of both physical and psychological symptoms have been demonstrated which are typically associated with this disorder. 

How much does it cost to get treatment after infidelity

WE offer a package of 4 treatments for adultery, which is enough in the vast majority of cases. The course is intensive and focused on building trust and healing wounds after infidelity and based on the Gottman method. Mads Fredskilde specializes in treating adultery and has taken a specialized course at the Gottman Institute, based on research and results with thousands of couples. 

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