Couples therapy in Copenhagen Q&A
How do you find the right couples therapist in Copenhagen?
Finding a qualified couples therapist in Copenhagen can seem overwhelming to many. Here are a few tips:
Do research online.There are many who offer couples therapy in Copenhagen, so it can be helpful to do some research online before making a decision. Here's what to look for:
Check the Couples Therapist's training and qualifications. Many therapists offer couple therapy in Copenhagen, but not all of them are qualified or trained to help couples in crisis, or just your needs (Read about our training and experience here).
Find a recommended couples therapist. Try searching for client testimonials and find out what other couples have experienced with the couples therapist. (Read customer testimonials here).
Try 2-3 different couple therapists before you decide. It is really important that there is good chemistry between you and the couples therapist. Many couples therapists offer a free intro conversation. (Book a free intro conversation here)
How much does couples therapy cost in Copenhagen?
Couples therapy in Copenhagen can be expensive, so it's an advantage to look around and check the market so that you find the right couples therapist to help you with your challenges. Some couple therapists in Copenhagen offer discount schemes if you buy packages. (See current offers and discounts here).
Can you get a grant for couples therapy in Copenhagen?
There are many people who seek couples therapy in Copenhagen with a subsidy. Unfortunately, the municipality of Copenhagen is not as good at subsidizing couple therapy as some other municipalities in the country. You can always contact your case manager and ask about the options. Some municipalities in the Copenhagen area offer free family therapy.
Where can you find cheap or free couples therapy in Copenhagen?
With us, we sometimes offer advantageous discounts and special offers to couples in crisis who seek couples therapy in Copenhagen, but cannot afford to pay. (Eg. Students, unemployed, etc.). If you need couples therapy with a discount, you can contact us and possibly bring documentation of your current financial situation. (Contact us here).